Sunday, July 8, 2007

Leftover Pizza Ingredients

When my sister made home-made pizzas last week, she had leftover pizza ingredients that I thought would be perfect to make a scramble.

That's the nice thing about eggs. They're so versatile and so delicious in every way.
And the good news is, the scramble came out great. My sister really liked it. Horrah.

"Eat us! We're irresistible!"
A Fairly Typical Scramble

- 2 Extra Large Eggs (or 3 medium eggs)
- 1 tbsp. Milk
- 1.5 tsp. Garlic Salt
- 1/2 tsp Black Pepper
- 1 Italian Sausage, chopped into cubes
- 1/3 Medium Onion, finely chopped
- 1 Tomato, diced.
- 1 (med.) or 1/2 (large) Bell Pepper (Green or Red), finely chopped
- 1 pinch of salt (optional)
- 1 tbsp of Veggie or Olive Oil
- A handful of your favorite cheese (sh re dd ed)

How to Prepare:
1. Beat the eggs.
2. Add milk to eggs. Beat the eggs some more. (bad eggs! bad!!)
3. Add garlic salt, black pepper, and salt.

How to Cook:
1. Turn stove onto High.
2. Add oil to skillet.
3. When oil is ready (there will be bubbles in the oil), throw in the onion and bell peppers.
4. Saute onions and bell peppers until onions are clear and bell peppers are softened.
5. Add in the sausage cubes, and stir until sausage is thoroughly cooked.
6. Add in tomatoes and the egg mixture, and reduce flame to Medium.
7. Begin stirring and scrambing the egg when the egg is less gooey.
8. Scramble.
9. Stir.
10. Scramble some more.
11. Stir some more.
12. Is it done yet?
13. Turn off flame, and remove skillet from heat.
14. Sprinkle shredded cheese over the scramble.
15. Let the heat from the eggs slowly melt the cheese, into an all-over ooey gooeyness eggy mess. mmm.

-recipe created by Jennifer Lin-

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