Saturday, November 1, 2008

Yellow + Italian Squash for Halloween

For Halloween this year, I went over to a friend's apt for a small get-together.
He was grilling chicken and sausages at the party, so I offered to bring over some type of vegetable dish (to offset all that meat!)

I decided to cook up a squash dish. I usually prefer Italian squash, however, to make the dish a bit more colorful, I added some Yellow squash too!

This recipe is very easy and requires practically 0 preparation time.
After a busy long day at work, I had enough time to squeeze into my Halloween outfit, whip up my squash dish, and head over to the party!

Yellow + Italian Squash for Halloween

- 2 pounds of squash (italian & yellow)
- 1 tbsp of seasoned salt (less if you don't like it so salty)
- 1 cup of chicken broth or 1 cup of water + 1 chicken bouillon cube
- pinch of salt

1. Peel and slice the squash into strips. I actually like to leave half of the peel on, for more fiber, without eating all that hard bitter peel.

2. In a skillet, heat up a bit of oil.

3. Toss in the squash and seasoned salt + pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly.

4. Add the water/broth and cover the skillet.

5. Let the squash simmer until they are cooked thoroughly (takes about 10-15 minutes). Be sure to stir occasionally, so all the squash has a chance to soak up the broth.

6. Scoop it onto a plate, and bring the dish over to a Halloween party!

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