Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stir Fried Bitter Melon

I remember hating bitter melon when I was a kid. It was so ridiculously bitter, I could not imagine anyone enjoying this dish. But slowly as I got older, I slowly learned to love the unique bitter flavor. It is definately an acquired taste.
Bitter melon is a tropical and sub tropical fruit commonly consumed in South/South East Asia, China, Africa, and Carribbean.

Stir Fried Bitter Melon


- 2 bitter melons
- 1 tbsp Chinese fermented black beans, (a little smashed)
- salt to taste
- 1/4 cup of water

1. Cut the bitter melon lengthwise, and gently remove the seeds

2. Slice the bitter melon into thin slices

3. In a wok or skillet, heat up the bitter melon in a little oil.

4. Add the black beans and salt, and toss evenly. Add the water

5. Cover the bitter melons and let simmer, stirring occasionally, until the melons are tender and thoroughly cooked. Add more water is needed.

6. Eat as a side, with steamed rice.

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