Saturday, May 28, 2011

French Onion Soup

We recently had some dinner guests over and I served French Onion Soup as one of the side dishes.
In the past, I made french onion soup using chicken broth and white wine.  It was very delicious, but this time, I decided to be more bold and use beef broth and red wine.

The verdict?

It's the land of no return.  Beef broth and red wine only moving forward!
The flavor was more rich and bold.
I think everyone enjoyed the soup, and Jeff even said that its wayyy better than the french onion soup we had in France!  What a compliment.

Unfortunately, french onion soup never comes out nice in pictures I take.
This picture does not do justice to how it tastes.

The ingredients consists of 1 stick of butter, about 6 onions (thinly sliced), 2 garlic cloves, 2 bay leaves, 1 cup red wine, 3 spoonfuls of flour, 2 quarts of beef broth, 1 sliced baguette, and 1/2 pound of grated gruyere (great prices at Trader Joes for gruyere!).

In a large pot,  melt the butter and add in the onions, bay leafs, salt and pepper.  I turned the onions over and over and over for about 25 minutes until it was carmelized  (good food takes time!)
I then added in the wine, and kept stirring until all the wine evaporated.  Remove the bay leaves and add in the flour.  Cook the flour for about 10 minutes until its cooked and mixed with the onions.  Add in all the broth and let it simmer for 10 minutes.

When you are ready to eat, get your oven safe bowls, and ladle in the soup, 2 slices of toasted baguette per bowl, and a TON of gruyere cheese.  yum yum!
Pop it in the broiler until its bubbling and melted.

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